Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ – Where is the studio located and what are the opening times?
Our office opening hours are from 9:00am till 5:00pm Monday to Saturday. But our studio hours vary as we open beyond these times up to 8:00pm in the evenings for portrait sittings and viewings. We advise you to turn up only 5 to 10 minutes before your session. S70 2SH is our postcode, we are less then 5 minutes from the M1 motorway, Junction 37. Our studio is directly opposite Barnsley Library which is near Barnsley Town Hall.
FAQ – What clothing should I wear?
Absolutely anything, from casual to formal or both. If casual then bare feet does look good with jeans and bold colours for t-shirts etc, especially with children as they stand out more on the white back drop we shoot on. If formal or more of a dressed up look is required, accessories look good (i.e. hats, scarves, jewellery, boots) If still undecided then bring a selection we have a large changing room in the studio so you can get changed as many times as you like and if you’re still worried we will go through your clothes and suggest what we think would the the best. Things to avoid wearing are: stripes that run across your body, cheque clothing and thick chunky jumpers. Don’t hesitate to give us a call on 01226 281915 and we will gladly give you a few words of advice.
FAQ – How many photo’s will be taken?
During your shoot we will take on average about 100 photographs. From these 100, 60 will be selected and prepared individually onto a projected slide show presentation. You will need to return to our studio at a second date after your initial shoot to make your selections.
FAQ – How do I pay for my photos?
You can pay by cash, cheque, debit, credit card. Or you can set up one of our interest free payment plans!
FAQ – Let’s shoot! When can I have a photographic session?
You can have a session any day of the week, but you need to give us a call on 01226 281915 to book your photographic/viewing session in advance so we can work on an appropriate time for you.
FAQ – Should I bring any props with me to the studio?
Yes please do! if you or your children are involved in a sport e.g. cricket, skateboarding, football, boxing, karate etc, then full kit or props look great. Also if you play an instrument i.e guitar etc, then bring that along also.
FAQ – Is there disabled access?
Yes! We have double sided doors at our shop front so there is plenty of room to get even the biggest of wheelchairs into our studio. We also have ramps which we can quickly lay down to make it even easier for you. We also have disabled toilet facilities which are again large enough for wheelchair access.